Illustrations are by Georg Hallensleben
This was a book about a little boy who was completely interested in his father's job. He thought it was so amazing that his father had a night job. He was an engineer in charge of construction for the city at night. Alex would always ask if he could go to work with his father, so one night his father finally said yes and snuck him out into work with him. On their way, they say things that happen in the night such as a street sweeper make his rounds. They took a journey through the streets on their way to work and Alex was so excited to see the different things that happen at night. When they got to his work site, one of the employees gave him a ride in the bulldozer. Alex enjoyed every minute being there, but most importantly was excited he was hanging out with his father. At the end of the night when they went home, he dreamt about being a nigh worker just like his father.
This book could be a perfect book to discuss during career day. Although they are young, it is nice for them to have goals whether they may come true or not. I believe it's nice to get them to start realizing that eventually they could make their dreams come true and be what they want to be. It could maybe make them more motivated in school.
I agree that it is important for children to start thinking of possible careers at an early age. I also know how neat it is to get to go to work with your Dad. I use to love to go to work with my dad. Thanks for the great post.