Thursday, April 18, 2013

Puncuattion Takes a Vacation by Robin Pulver Illustrated by Lynn Rowe Reed

This was a story about a small classroom. Every day there would be punctuation on the board, they did their jobs each day. They put up with things like being erased, replaced, corrected, ignored, and moved around. On a hot sunny day, in the middle of a commas lesson, Mr. Wright said "Let's give punctuation a vacation." As the kids rushed outside to play, they stared at each other in disbelief. They were a little hurt and discussed amongst each other and decided to leave the classroom and take a vacation. When the classroom came back they were in shock at the missing punctuations. They received postcards from their vacations. The students couldn't write back correctly or function without punctuation, so they wrote them a letter back. The letters were write but punctuation was scattered all over the place saying that they miss them and to come back. When the punctuation received this letter, they returned to Mr. Wright's classroom. Everything was perfect now. 

This was a perfect book to share with children while learning punctuation in the classroom. If people don't correct their punctuation when they're little, it will carry on with them throughout their life. It is a great example, that without the correct use of punctuation, it makes everything completely different. For example,without commas it will be a run on sentence that will be difficult to follow. 

I also liked the fact that it ended with a vocabulary page called Punctuation Rules. It also has a page describing sentences about punctuation with the perfect punctuation. 


  1. What a neat book! Grammar needs to be taught at an early age because it is something that will be used throughout life. What not a better way to introduce punctuation than through a book!

  2. This a fun book to introduce how punctuation makes a difference in writing. It seems like it's a fun, silly book that encourages students to appreciate and learn how to use it. I like that there is a page in the back that goes over the vocabulary. This could be a good page to use in the classroom to have students remember the different types of punctuation.

  3. i LOVED this book when you did your book talk. I think it is such a fun way to teach students the importance of punctuation. you could even have them created various posters to hang inside your classroom to help them remember the punctuation rules!

  4. You're absolutely right about it following them for life. You would not believe how many times I see misspelled words or punctuation missing. It drives me crazy!
